Drink Tampa Bay | Ginger Chai Kombucha Tea and the White Out IPA
Roy and Rusty get into the holiday spirit with the Ginger Chai Kombucha Tea and the White Out IPA from Southern Brewing and Winemaking in Seminole Heights.
Roy and Rusty get into the holiday spirit with the Ginger Chai Kombucha Tea and the White Out IPA from Southern Brewing and Winemaking in Seminole Heights.
The Hi-5 Pop-Up Shop and exhibition celebrates Tempus Projects' last 5 years of bringing together Tampa Bay's finest people, businesses, and art.
J. Wesley Allen and his Studio Waza partner, Takashi Hirose, specialize in creating mixed media commercial art that combines ceramics and glass work.
Roy and Rusty work their way through Tampa Bay's finest beers, this week tackling the Betchy Brown Ale and the Double IPA at Florida Avenue Brewing Co.
Roy and Rusty sample and assess some more of the fine beers Southern Brewing has to offer - this time, the Cheeky Bastard IPA and the Florida Common beer.
More expert opinions and analysis from Roy and Rusty, this time holding Southern Brewing's Attack of the Marzens & Oliver's Gruel up against Miller Light.
Green Shift Music and Comics is a terrifying trailer where two old men live with their dogs, guitars, and tons of comics on sale for a reasonable price.
Beer professionals Rusty and Roy tried the wonderfully smooth Fragmented Porter and the floral-nosed Black Veil IPA brewed by Southern Brewing & Winemaking.
Ella's Cafe is like a dirty elementary school janitor... he will touch you, but he's also there to put sawdust on your vomit. So it's kind of a win-win.